Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thanks for the inspiration...

I just read an entirely inspired blog post. It truly touched my heart. It is was one of those posts that I would say was a "tender mercy". I am so grateful for the people in my life that continue to inspire me day after day. I'm lucky. I believe Heavenly Father sends certain people into our lives for a reason. I don't just believe it. I know it's true. It's proven to after day.
There are things that I want to do.......that I'm not doing. Major things...that I want deeply. There are choices in my life that I regret. Desperately at times....... But I know that, if I stay close to the spirit and believe that Heavenly Father is there to guide me, I can do it. And that someday I can realize the desires of my heart. Even if the path there is hard...whatever that path may be.
I got this.